
I've implemented some Unix core utilities in Haskell, and want to start a series of posts going through the details - starting with simple programs like cat, seq, and which, and then moving on towards more featureful programs like uniq, tr and maybe grep.

You can find the full source from this post here. Let's implement tee in Haskell!


What does tee do? From the man page, "read from standard input and write to standard output and files". Seems simple enough; tee is like cat except that it additionally writes whatever passes between stdin and stdout to any number of files along the way. Like the majority of coreutils, this is done in a streaming fashion for performance and to reduce memory usage. It's unacceptable, for instance, to read all of stdin, then write it to stdout and each output file in turn. We need to stream the data to each output, or sink, as it becomes available.

I leaf@elm ~> echo hello world | tee 1 2 3
hello world

I leaf@elm ~> cat 1 2 3
hello world
hello world
hello world

Let's sketch out the program in types to see what we need. We'll use this as a reference for each section below:

teeMain :: [String] -> IO ()
-- ^ parse arguments with defaults, look for errors, call runTee

runTee :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-- ^ open handles for each filepath according to provided options, call tee

tee :: [Handle] -> IO ()
-- ^ read from stdin, write to each provided handle and stdout

Let's work our way top down, starting with argument parsing, then down to our runtime, and lastly the business logic.

Modules and Imports

Our main concern is streaming data, for which Haskell has a couple libraries. We'll be using streaming and streaming-bytestring which provide Data.ByteString.Streaming. ByteStrings are the way to go since tee must behave itself with binary input, and besides we don't need to concern ourselves with the content of stdin means to move it around. System.Console.GetOpt will handle argument parsing, while the other System and Control libraries provide some basics: bracket, unless, die, openBinaryFile, open flags, and Handle. We'll see how these are each used in the following sections.

module Coreutils.Tee where

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming as Q
import           System.Console.GetOpt
import           System.Exit
import           System.IO

Arguments - teeMain

BSD tee has just two options

  • -a to append to output files rather than overwriting them
  • -i to ignore SIGINT

GNU tee has some more options related to error path behavior, but let's ignore those and BSD's -i for the time being. This leaves us with three things to do in our argument parsing:

  • look for help flags to show usage
  • look for -a or --append to indicate append mode for writing
  • collect everything else as output file names

System.Console.GetOpt provides a simple pattern to describe this exactly, we provide a data type describing our options (in this case, just one), the defaults, and some help text and it'll figure out the details internally.

newtype Options = Options { optMode :: IOMode }

defaults :: Options
defaults = Options { optMode = WriteMode }

options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Either String Options)]
options =
    [ Option "a" ["append"]
            (\opt -> Right opt { optMode = AppendMode }))
        "append to given files, do not overwrite"

    , Option "h" ["help"]
            (\_ -> Left $ usageInfo "tee" options))
        "show this help text"

getOpt automatically tracks which arguments aren't parsed and provides those separately, perfect for our usecase. Let's plug this all together in our pseudo main function.

teeMain :: [String] -> IO ()
teeMain args = do
        unless (null errors) $
            die $ unlines errors

        either die (`runTee` filenames) $
            foldM (flip id) defaults opts
        (opts, filenames, errors) = getOpt RequireOrder options args

The real driver here is:

*Coreutils.Tee> :t getOpt
  :: ArgOrder a -> [OptDescr a] -> [String] -> ([a], [String], [String])

*Coreutils.Tee> let someArgs = ["-a", "out.txt"]
*Coreutils.Tee> :t getOpt RequireOrder options someArgs
getOpt RequireOrder options someArgs
  :: ([Options -> Either String Options], [String], [String])

where options describes the flags we're looking to parse, and args are the command line arguments, as per System.Environment.getArgs. Once parsed, we check for errors, apply defaults with foldM (flip id) defaults opts, and run. The foldM has a bit going on, let's break that down by specializing the arguments one at a time.

*Coreutils.Tee> :t foldM
  :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b

*Coreutils.Tee> :t foldM (flip id)
foldM (flip id)
  :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => b -> t (b -> m b) -> m b

*Coreutils.Tee> :t foldM (flip id) defaults
foldM (flip id) defaults
  :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t (Options -> m Options) -> m Options

What about opts? We can see the types align with getOpt's first tuple if our Foldable is a list and Monad is Either. This makes sense from a higher level too; we have multiple "combine-able" operations (parsing flags) that can succeed (provide an Option) or fail (provide a String error message). All together, this executes the parsing functions opts in turn to build an Either String Options, filling in the blanks with our defaults as necessary.

When we're all done, we have Options and a list of everything else not parsed which we can use as the list of output filenames.

Resources - runTee

Let's take a look back and see what we're supposed to do next.

runTee :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
-- ^ open handles for each filepath according to provided options, call tee

So we have our options and filenames, and need to convert those into handles to call the next layer. To properly manage our resources (these handles), we need to close them too. Breaking these steps out in a do block would work most of the time, but would leak if we hit an exception. On Linux, this isn't such a big deal - the process exiting will close all the handles. However on Windows (which we can support for free thanks to Haskell's IO libraries), not closing the handles can mean that data doesn't get written. To that point, Haskell uses exceptions to communicate IO errors, the exact type of errors we're likely to encounter opening and writing to files. Luckily, bracket is perfect for this situation; let's check it out.

*Coreutils.Tee> :t bracket
bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c

Provided some IO computation that produces resources, a function that uses those resources, and a function that releases those resources, bracket will run everything together, ensuring that the resources are released even if there's an exception while they're being used.

runTee :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
runTee o fs =
        bracket acquire release tee
        acquire = mapM (`openBinaryFile` optMode o) fs
        release = mapM_ hClose

Pretty easy!

Business Logic - tee

So now we have our collection of handles, time to use them to do some real work. Let's see it all together, then break it down.

tee :: [Handle] -> IO ()
-- build up n computations that copy the stream and write it a file
tee = Q.stdout . foldr (\h -> Q.toHandle h . Q.copy) Q.stdin

Data.ByteString.Streaming usage works right to left, where the right side is the source of the stream, and the left side is the sink, where the data ends up. The space between is where we can mutate the stream. The simplest tee is with no files, in which it's just a simplified cat that only reads from stdin. To describe that with these streams, that'd be:

*Coreutils.Tee> let cat = Q.stdout Q.stdin
*Coreutils.Tee> :t cat
cat :: Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m => m ()

Take everything from stdin and stream it to stdout. For our purposes, m is IO, nothing else is needed here. We can specialize our types to see this ourselves, and that we're going to fit into the prototype we sketched out initially for tee.

*Coreutils.Tee> let cat = Q.stdout Q.stdin :: IO ()
*Coreutils.Tee> :t cat
cat :: IO ()

Now, for writing streams to handles we have Q.toHandle, but this has a problem - it acts like a sink, consuming all of the input stream. This won't work, since the input from stdin will never make it to stdout. We can't read the stream twice either; for a file we could read everything twice, it would just be wasteful, but for stdin it's not possible - the data only exists once.

The library has something for us though: Q.copy forks a stream, allowing you to do two separate, independent computations on it. Internally, this is essentially sending the chunks that make up the input stream two different places, creating two streams from one.

Let's build up a cat the preserves the input stream beyond writing to stdout rather than consuming it.

*Coreutils.Tee> :t Q.copy
  :: Monad m => Q.ByteString m r -> Q.ByteString (Q.ByteString m) r

*Coreutils.Tee> :t Q.copy Q.stdin
Q.copy Q.stdin
  :: Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m =>
     Q.ByteString (Q.ByteString m) ()

*Coreutils.Tee> :t (Q.stdout . Q.copy) Q.stdin
(Q.stdout . Q.copy) Q.stdin
  :: Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m => Q.ByteString m ()

While we're here thinking about stdout, let's note that Q.stdout isn't doing anything magical compared to Q.tohandle, just sparing us some typing. This is useful, because it let's us treat stdout as "just another output", the same as the handles we're creating.

*Coreutils.Tee> :t Q.toHandle stdout
Q.toHandle stdout
  :: Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m => Q.ByteString m r -> m r

*Coreutils.Tee> :t Q.stdout
  :: Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO m => Q.ByteString m r -> m r

With our stream copying ability, we can create a waterfall of streams! stdin to the first handle + new stream 1, new stream 1 to the second handle + new stream 2, and so on until the last stream, which just goes to stdout.

Good old foldr matches this pattern well; take some initial value, run a computation on it with the first input to produce an output, then use that as the new initial value for the second input value, and so on.

*Coreutils.Tee> foldr (+) 0 [1..10]

In streaming pseudo-code, we want foldr writeTohandleAndCopy stdin handles, which will produce a final stream, which we dump into stdout to finish everything off. In terms of real code, that works out to what we had before!

tee :: [Handle] -> IO ()
-- full
tee handles = Q.stdout . foldr (\h -> Q.toHandle h . Q.copy) Q.stdin $ handles

-- point free
tee = Q.stdout . foldr (\h -> Q.toHandle h . Q.copy) Q.stdin


We've built a high performance, elegant tee replacement using the streaming-bytestring library. We looked at simple argument parsing including defaults and error handling, proper resource management in the face of exceptions, how to describe our program in terms of streams, and how to manipulate those streams in order to write to multiple sinks. And all in ~60 lines of code! Here's all the code together.