
I've implemented a couple Unix core utilities in Haskell, and want to start a series of posts going through the details - starting with simple programs like cat, seq, and which, and then moving on towards more featureful programs like uniq, tr and maybe grep.

So, let's implement cat in Haskell!


cat is conceptually simple; it concatenates a series of files. It doesn't accept any flags, and has only a little dynamic behavior - if there aren't any files provided from the command line, it reads from stdin. If a series of files are provided and there's an error reading one of them, it's reported but the rest of the files are processed. cat exits with failure if there were any problems.

Module and Imports

The top of the file contains the module definition and imports. Since this is going to be an executable, not a library, we use module Main where. We'll skip going through the imports for now, but reference them as we move through the file. To follow along with the examples, you can put this header in a file and load it from ghci with :load cat.hs.

module Main where

-- cat
-- read files from the command line or echo stdin
-- soldiers on when some files do not exist, but reports failure at the end

import           Control.Exception  (IOException, try)
import           Control.Monad      (when)
import           Data.Either        (isLeft)
import           System.Environment (getArgs)
import           System.Exit        (exitFailure)
import           System.IO          (hPutStrLn, stderr)

Data Flow

Before jumping in to find some functions that can read and print file content, let's think about the 'flow' of execution for cat. It takes arguments, attempts to convert those into file names, extracts the file content, then prints it. What about errors? Conceptually, we can think of each argument turning into either file content, or an error. Either way, we print out the content or error at the end.

When we're done, we should have something like this:

main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= collect >>= display

Haskell has a great builtin data type for this situation: Either. Translating our conceptual view of cat to Haskell looks something like this.

type Argument    = String
type FileContent = String

collect :: [Argument] -> IO [Either IOException FileContent]
collect = undefined

display :: [Either IOException FileContent] -> IO ()
display = undefined


We can fill in the undefined for collect with some of the imports from before. How are we going to turn a file name into an IOException or FileContent? Let's build it from the bottom up. To read a file, we need readFile

> :t readFile
readFile :: FilePath -> IO String

The problem is that readFile throws an IOException on failure. try allows us to capture the exception for handling. This is conceptually what we want; either the result of readFile, or the exception it threw.

> :t try
try :: GHC.Exception.Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)

> :t try . readFile
try . readFile
  :: GHC.Exception.Exception e => FilePath -> IO (Either e String)

To apply these to each argument, we can use mapM, which is like map, but works on a sequence of Monad m items. It has a pretty abstract type signature, but a type check shows that it's doing what we want.

> :t mapM
mapM :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)

> :t mapM (try . readFile)
mapM (try . readFile)
  :: (Traversable t, GHC.Exception.Exception e) =>
       t FilePath -> IO (t (Either e String))

Putting it all together, we can define collect as

collect :: [Argument] -> IO [Either IOException FileContent]
collect = mapM (try . readFile)


What if we're not given any arguments? We need to read from stdin. This case is a bit simpler, since there isn't any reasonable possibility for an error. We can ignore the input (since there isn't any!) and get the content from stdin and print it out. getContents from the Prelude does just what we want. It reads from stdin until EOF, and returns an IO String. We'll use putStr instead of putStrLn, since the input will already have a newline.

display :: [Either IOException FileContent] -> IO ()
display [] = getContents >>= putStr


The other case is when we do have some 'Error or FileContent' to work with. We want to print the error or file content either way, but errors should go to stderr, not stdout. At the end, if there were any errors, we want to set the exit code appropriately.

Our printing function needs to handle both possibilities:

toConsole (Left exception) = hPutStrLn stderr $ show exception
toConsole (Right content)  = putStr content

And display will apply it to each argument, and handle exiting correctly. any isLeft files is doing the work of answering "were there any exceptions?".

display :: [Either IOException FileContent] -> IO ()
display files = do
        mapM_ toConsole files
        when (any isLeft files) exitFailure


How do we tie everything together? If we think back to the high level data flow at the beginning, we describe that exactly in Haskell for our main function.

main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= collect >>= display

Full implementation

Here's the full source. You can also find it here.

module Main where

-- cat
-- read files from the command line or echo stdin
-- soldiers on when some files do not exist, but reports failure at the end

import           Control.Exception  (IOException, try)
import           Control.Monad      (when)
import           Data.Either        (isLeft)
import           System.Environment (getArgs)
import           System.Exit        (exitFailure)
import           System.IO          (hPutStrLn, stderr)

type Argument    = String
type FileContent = String

collect :: [Argument] -> IO [Either IOException FileContent]
collect = mapM (try . readFile)

display :: [Either IOException FileContent] -> IO ()
display [] = getContents >>= putStr

display files = do
        mapM_ toConsole files
        when (any isLeft files) exitFailure
        toConsole (Left exception) = hPutStrLn stderr $ show exception
        toConsole (Right content)  = putStr content

main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= collect >>= display


We have a fully functional implementation of cat in Haskell! By taking some time to think about the flow of data, breaking down the component parts, implementing the parts individually, then tying them together, we've produced an elegant and correct program.